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Pre-Production Meeting Summary

Hello everyone!

On February 12 at 7 p.m, my groupmates and I met via zoom to discuss important details for our podcast about Disney and gender. One of the first things we figured out were roles and responsibilities. Below I will list the names and roles/ responsibilities of each member in my group:


~ Speaks in segment 2 and 3

~ Organizes script used for the podcast


~Host of the podcast

~Speaks in every segment

~Edits/ finalizes podcast recording


~Microsite editor: Creates Wix account and shares with the group

~Speaks in segment 4


~ Speaks in segment 3

~ Podcast coordinator


~Speaks in segment 1 and 4

~ Researcher for photos for Wix website and music used in the final

podcast audio

Some other things my group and I talked about were what each segment is going to be about. We agreed to start each of the four segments with a general question, asked by the host. Tomorrow, February 17, we will be meeting again via zoom to record the final podcast. This zoom will be recorded by the podcast editor, Wei but I will also be recording the meeting as a backup in case any technical diffulties happen. The goal for our podcast time is 20-25 minutes. Since there are 4 segments, we plan to make each segment 5-6 minutes. A possible title for our podcast is "Gender Roles Portrayed in Old versus New Disney Films."

Before our recording tomorrow, my group and I will prepare an outline of our scripts so that we have an idea of what to speak about for our podcast. We don't plan to write out full sentences because we want make our podcast flow like a conversation. So, for example, in my outline I just put important points I want to speak out in my segments and also I put examples of films/ quotes from sources. One personal thing I will prepare is music. Since I am the researcher, one of my duties is to find music that will by played in the intro and also at the end of the podcast.

Although I have an idea of what we will speak about, I look foward to recording this podcast with my classmates and seeing where the conversation goes. I have never done a podcast so it will be a cool experience.

Thank you for reading my blog, have a nice day!

-Leslie Carrillo


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