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EXTRA CREDIT: 6 Blog Responses Week 4

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

1. Name: Kai Wen

Summary: In this blog, Kai speaks about the Habits of Mind, which are: curiosity, openness, engagement, persistence, flexibility, responsibility, and metacognition. Kai explains how each habit is used in our writing class. In my comment, I mentioned it is great that he can acknowledge which skills he needs to work on. For example, Kai admits he has not developed persistence yet but he is working on it. I think when somebody is able to point out habits they need to work on, it makes it easier to improve those skills.

2. Name: Melissa Marcial

Summary: In Melissa’s blog, she speaks a lot about her work during the week. She mentioned that she underestimated the time it would take her to complete the assignments. She also came to the realization that it is okay to take breaks between homework/ reading assignments. In my comment, I agreed with her. I said one thing I want to work on this quarter is time management because I often underestimate the time it takes me to finish certain assignments. Sometimes it is difficult though because I feel homework is just a never-ending cycle, trying to juggle all my classes. I try to take breaks but sometimes I feel if I do it will be impossible to complete everything. So I definitely need to come up with a better strategy where I can finish all my homework and not have to cram assignments.

3. Name: Jenny Kim

Summary: In Jenny's blog, she talks about her process of analyzing a text, more specifically: Looking into the Magic Mirror. This was a text we had to read for class. Jenny talks about the way she did her assignment because at the end, we are able to see how many times we went back to a question. She says she focused mainly on making connections but in future times, she wants to focus on being more curious and asking questions. I think asking questions really helps to open your mind to more information. In my comment, I told Jenny I had a similar process as hers. We both visited each question in order because it made the most logical sense in our brains.

4. Name: Emmanuel Ortega

Summary: In Emmanuel's blog, he speaks about the 8 habits of mind I listed when talking about Kai's blog. Reading Emmanuel's blog, I found that I was able to relate to him when it comes to writing. He mentions writing is something he has struggled with in the past so he was a bit nervous to take the class. However, he did not let this get in the way of loving what he is learning. And that is what I said in my comment as well. Adding on, I have really enjoyed learning about the gender roles Disney displays through movies and shows. It is crazy and eye-opening to look at movies from a different perspective and being aware of the typical stereotypes.

5. Name: Cuiwen Zhou

Summary: In Cuiwen's blog, she talks about the 8 habits of mind. She defines each habit and then explains how she developed each habit in Writing 39A. I was able to relate to many of her points but the one I commented on was metacognition. I think this one is very important because it is great to reflect on your work process of the week. Each week my class reflects on what we did during the week and something we can improve on. This is something I look forward to because I out goals for myself. Reflecting helps me to take a look at what I need to work on but it also helps me identify my strengths. Identifying my strengths reminds me that I am not *that* terrible in writing and makes me want to continue working on my weaknesses so I can make them my strengths.

6. Name: Tayven Taylor

Summary: In Tayven's blog, he speaks about the 8 habits of mind. I enjoy reading my fellow classmate's 8 habits of mind because it fascinates me to learn about how other people use their habits to further develop their writing skills in this class. Tayven speaks about how he uses each skill in the class. The one habit that stood out to me was engagement because it is very important to interact with others. Although we are stuck in a pandemic, my class interacts in discussion posts and zooms. As Tayven says, in our discussions, we analyze our classmate's strengths and weaknesses. I commented that it not only helps them but it also helps the person analyzing because it opens their eyes and challenges them to look at things from a different perspective.


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