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Habits of Mind


Hello! Today I will be speaking about 8 habits:


Reading and watching videos about ways movies and commercials influence our daily lives has made me curious and do more research. It is interesting to take a look at things from a different perspective. Since I have become so adjusted to living in a society where movies show typical stereotypes and sex/ bodies are used for advertisement, it has become something that is not unusual. What I mean by this is, since it is the only thing we see everyday it is sad to say we have become adjusted to the way society has become. So coming to a realization of how much our daily lives are influenced is crazy to me.



I am a pretty open minded person. I enjoy reading my classmates ideas and opinions about the things we read and/ or watch. It helps me to see the way other people think. I plan to continue to be open to new ideas.



Like said before, I like to read my classmates ideas. In other words, I like to engage with my peers and learn from their way of thinking. Engaging in discussions or engaging in our first zoom this week, helps me to meet other people in my class.



In the beginning of the class, one of the assignments we had to do was make a presentation about ourselves. My professor wanted us to describe ourselves in six words. I tried to be creative with my slides and learn new ways I can design them. If you would like to see my presentation, I have linked it on my home page (under "about me"). :)



Writing has never been my strongest subject but in this class, I try my best to not give up. I keep myself motivated by finding interest in the readings and engaging with classmates. I set a goal for myself each week for this class and when I accomplish it, it is the best feeling. For example, I set days in which I have to finish each assignment. In my class, we have about 3 assignments each week. I don't like to cram it all up for the last day because then school feels like a drag and I don't like feeling overwhelmed. Therefore, spreading out the work makes it more enjoyable.



Like said before, I like to spread out my work within a spam of days. This makes my time to be more flexible and get more done since I try not to cram. I will admit though, it is hard. There are some days I have too much work for other classes that I don't get to other assignments. This leads me to get off schedule and cram a little. I want to improve this by getting less distracted by phone or other duties around the house.



Sometimes I tend to procrastinate because I feel like I do work all the time. As said before, I make a schedule for myself of when I need to complete each assignment. By taking responsibility and acknowledging that I procrastinate helps me to work on being more productive. Below is an image of my schedule this past week. The pink writing are my meetings of the day and the blue is my work for the day!


Metacognition (reflection)

Each week my class has to reflect on the week by posting blogs. I actually enjoy writing blogs because it helps me recall and think about the things I do each week. It helps me to take a look at my progress and motivates me to continue to do better.


Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day.

- Leslie Gabriella



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Wei Huang
Wei Huang

Hello Leslie, I completely agree that our daily lives are influenced by what we surround ourselves with. In turn, this affects our perspectives on certain subjects. I also agree that it is important to reflect on peer reviews because other people’s point of views may be different from your’s.


Yun Chen
Yun Chen

After read through your explanation about the eight habits in mind, I found I have some explanations that similar to yours. Such as the flexibility with time schedule, writing blog for metacognition, and responsibility to the works that have the need to be done on time. I think these three are the most common similarity that we have.

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